OK. I'll bite. Who's Matthew Lesko?
Who indeed?

Famed more for his dress and ridiculous advertisements, DC native Matthew Lesko has made his mark on American culture by staring into a camera and repeatedly shouting "FREE MONEY!"
Any avid watcher of late-night basic cable, or mid-day Sci-Fi channel has seen his shtick. The suit, the shoes, the screaming; all to push his book, or website, or whatever he's got these days.
There's more than a few people online angrily "outing" Lesko as a fraud, which I think is in poor taste. Of course the man is a fraud! He makes his living jumping around on TV in a question-mark suit with multi-colored socks screaming that you can get free money from the government, for goodness sake. Out him if you must but I really don't feel like he deserves the vitriolic fervor that is laid upon him. He's just a guy trying to make living like everyone else -- he just does it with books of fake information and a Riddler motif.
So that's Matthew Lesko. If I ever see him around DC (and I am told he wears the question-mark suit all the time) I will be sure to get an autograph.
haha..i live in kensington, Maryland(Matthews home town)and for some reason...there is a scion(the boxy looking one) with question marks all over it driving around town....haha i guess it isnt just the suit
I've seen him walking around Wilson Blvd in Arlington with young people, i think he was going to Front Page. Was a Friday night.
I was just in Adams Morgan and saw him! He's really nice let us take pictures with him!
Rachel May
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