Monday, February 12, 2007

The Return of the Blog

Well, it's been a long haul since the last real post.

First came the ridiculous video problems with my computer. You'd be sitting there just dandy and then all of a sudden the screen decided that it was a modern art video installation made by a collective of art students with an overly clever name. "Bad Apple," "Äpfeln von Video," or "You Won't Be Finishing That Paper Anytime Soon." Something like that.
After that came the loss of RAM. I cannot stress enough how irritating it was trying to use this computer with only 256mb of RAM. I know it seems ridiculous - my last laptop had 64mb and was considered a pretty 'RAD RIG' at the time (I am lying) - but it's true. iTunes was basically off limits, and iPhoto was out of the question. I could run maybe three programs at a time before things started really slowing down. However, it really speaks to the power of OS X since the only software that actually rolled over and died was VLC. Not saying that VLC isn't awesome, because it really is, but it didn't seem to like the situation.
During the time the RAM was missing - which was basically up to yesterday - my dear uncle Mark died. It was a wonderful service, held in Kentucky. The best funeral I have ever been to. There must have been hundreds of people in attendance, and with the family at one time or another.
And I don't know what else to say about that. I've found that it's only the important things that are hard to write about. Stuff like the alliterative patterns in Beowulf, that's easy. Important things are hard.

I better write this paper, it's due tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Glad you and your memory are back. What is "twitter functionality"?

Unknown said...

Im glad you asked! Stay tuned for the next update!!