Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Lost RAM Saga

I just found a screw driver small enough to get the RAM access port open.

Low and behold. Kris was correct (no surprises there).

Holy RAM robbers, Batman! To the Apple Store!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I Am Upset With Apple

As many of you are no doubt aware, I have been having been difficulty with my computer as of late. It all began with my screen, which had taken to a kind of artistic streak whereby it would display completely insane mish-mash of insanity, the quality of which would give any "video artist" worth their skin a run for their money.

After a week of procrastination and frustration I finally dropped off the poor dear at the Apple Store. They declared that there was something very wrong with the video card, and told me that for $320 they would replace anything that was wrong with the sucker. It would take 7-10 days, during which time my computer would be shipped off to fashionable Texas to be worked on by a fat man named Paul - the kind of man who wears a polo shirt to work.

Three days later, I was told I could come pick up my laptop! I was overjoyed, to say the least! As I wafted in through the front of the 12 Oaks Mall Apple Store (there were no doors) I passed the new MacBooks which I had so recently been coveting with a slight feeling of disdain. My computer was allegedly as good as new and it was mine again.

I should have sensed that something was up when they booted the machine after informing me that the Logic Board had been replaced. During the boot cycle, the 'Oh Crap I Lost The Operating System' icon flashed for a few seconds before it booted normally. Curious.

The long and the short of this part of the story is that I took the sucker home and was tickled pink for about a day or two. However, I noticed that everything was running rather slowly. Oddly slowly. I didn't think much of it, but while checking for some unrelated information, I noticed that the computer had somehow convinced itself that there was only 256mb of RAM onboard.

'Huh,' I thought. "It was 1.25gb when I sent it off...'

I tried a few tricks, and roamed around the support section of Apple's website and finally called Kris - who is my number one lady in most concerns. She hypothesized that when my Logic Board was removed, that the RAM went with it and may have taken up permanent residence in Texas. This is bad.

Methinks another trip to the Apple Store is in store for myself and my computer machine o' tron.

UPDATE: Ok, now the sound doesn't work. I am officially upset.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

An Astounding Review

Having now seen 1.9 Operas in their entirety, I now consider myself a well educated Opera expert.
That said, the Lyric Opera of Chicago's production of 'Die Fleidermaus' is the greatest thing to be put to stage since Shakespeare said, "Tell you what, this 'Hamlet' thing has been going on for hours, why don't we just kill them all?"

No, seriously. It's totally fantastic. Unlike during 'Cosi Fan Tutti,' I was not only awake for the entire performace (3 acts, two intermissions, 3.5 hours in length), but rapt with attention. The music is all in the style of lilting Viennese Waltzes (it is Johann Strauss) and - get this - it's actually funny. And I don't mean in a sort of 'hu hu! Snobbery Humorous!' but in a true belly-waving laughter kind of funny.
I loved every minute of it, and seeing a really top-notch production in "one of the most famous Opera houses in the world" was fantastic.

Claire and I are safe here in Evanston, and we'll be heading back to the great state of Ann Arbor on Sunday Early. Tomorrow we plan to do homework and spend some serious time ambling.

Also, I did quite a bit of driving in, around, and through some of Chicago's most convoluted road ways. I will, of course, make no claims to Gary Ratner's prestigious "City Guy" title, but I will say that Claire and I make a right good team in the navigation department. Perhaps 'City Duo?'

I'd also like to point out that this Barker woman is really moving me up the cultural ladder. During the drive over we listened to a good solid hour of P.G. Wodehouse, followed by a tour of some Anglican buildings, and then an Opera! I feel just like a character in 'Fraiser,' or something.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Holy Strauß, Batman!

In a split-second decision, Claire and I have decided to go to Chicago for the weekend. What could so distract these two 20 year olds from their lives of homework and split for a few days?
Easy: Opera! Claire and I will be attending the Lyric Opera's presentation of 'Die Fladdermaus' - 'The Bat.'
It's the story of a guy who gets drunk, and is then abandoned in the park still dressed as a bat from the fancy dress party the night before. According to Claire, revenge ensues.

We'll be back soon, and hopefully without incident.

ALSO: There is a new WILCO ALBUM in the upcoming future! According to the Tweedster himself, the album will be released on May 15 and is apparently entitled, 'sky blue sky.' I can't access my PROOF, but I do have some. More on that.

Monday, January 15, 2007

And The Goodnews Comes Forth!

Well, the bad news is that my computer is still really messed up. The screen goes so nuts that it's just unusable. Case in point, i am writing this on Claire's iBook (G4).

HOWEVER! There is quite a bit of goodnews! The Gargoyle is effectively done! Just a few more tweeks and it's ready to go to print (once the printers get back to me). Furthermore is that it has snowed. Or rather, it has ice stormed. Now it's nothing compared to the Great Indiana Ice Storm of mythical memory. But every tree and structure is covered with a solid 1/8" of ice. It's really pretty, and quite nice to walk around in.

The best of the best news is that my bank has finally refunded me! The INTERNET THIEVES stole $229, which resulted in $199 worth of service fees, as well as a $6.89 charge for international transactions. Thankfully, it's all been cheerfully returned to my account. Which is great, because the rent is due soon, and I might have to buy a new computer depending on what happens with the current one.

Anyway, back to the reading. Class tomorrow!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Even More Hinderances

I still haven't seen a refund from my bank yet.

And my laptop's screen is acting up nearly all the time now. Methinks it might be New Computer Time (aka: the leaving of the cash).

I am, however, a fully registered member of the Graphic Narrative course! Huzzah!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Year Of The Blog

Another excuse post, sorry.

On the 27th, my checking account was drained by nare-do-wells. This situation has been rectified, and the money will be refunded to me.
However, the biggest distraction to blogging has been being sick. I was under the influence of some kind of awful stomach virus for most of this past weekend. Thanks to Claire, I have made a full recovery.

Blog soon.
Garg also soon.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Hello and welcome to January. I hope you all slept well!

Regular updates are coming, I just have to figure out what and when. But rest assured, it's all coming - and soon!

On the school front, I am still waitlisted for Rabkin's Graphic Narrative class. It looks fantastic, and after the first class I am totally stoked. However, the class is rather full. He's not giving out any overides until tuesday, so Im going to have to buy a book or two.
Beyond that, things are starting relatively smoothly this semester - such a welcome change!

Here is a very interesting article on Apple products. Specifically, the selection of new products. I like Apple. It's a good read.