Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Life after Nanowrimo

Photo on 2009-12-16 at 21.39 #2.jpg

Now that Nanowrimo is past behind, I need to turn my mind to a new project or else run the risk of completely losing my marbles.

Last year about this time I recorded two hours of conversation and music with my dad about music in this family. Eddy's need not have it pointed out, but others may not be aware that music is, uh, kind of important around here.

That and freakishly strong coffee.

Anyway, there was a massive technical cuss-up and I thought much of that recording was lost. Instead, I found that my computer had created some 500 5-second audio clips. I've just finished putting these snippets back together, and I'm turning my attention to cutting them apart again into something that the average person would enjoy listening to.

I don't know when or if this project will be done, but that's what I am going to be taking on in my spare time. If you're interested, feel free to suggest a title. My working name for the project is "Psycho Evangelistic Cha-Cha: Music in my family."

My other blog is also alive and well. Take a look! I'll be posting more on this little audio project here and there as well.

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