Thursday, June 26, 2008

From The Horrible Depths of the Internet

WIRED has an article on the upcoming Dark Knight movie. I'm relieved to read about a director that is concerned about the overuse of special effects. Truth be told, the OD on the CG is what killed the revisions of the Star Wars movies for me. The CG took those movies out of their context and confused everything. Now I watch them and I think, "How 1997!" instead of "How epic!" Don't even get me started on the pre-quals.


The Associated Press has an oddly titled article: Everything Seemingly Spinning Out of Control. It sums up some of the weird vibes that have been floating around lately. It certainly seems that we, as a society(?), are on the cusp of something. Maybe I'm just projecting.

It's worth noting that if you look back at history, most everything was hailed as the apocalypse or something similarly cataclysmic. For instance, I'm told that the rise of the book, as opposed to the scroll, was viewed by some as a herald of the collapse of civilization.


The Canadian Free Press has a response to "Everything Seemingly Spinning Out of Control." Personally, I think it's a terrible article. I dislike it mostly because it often ignore or apparently misinterpret the original, but mostly because I can't jibe with their beliefs.


In the wake of my recent rejections from the print/media world, I am going to apply to be an astronaut.


Julie said...

> For mission specialists and pilot astronauts, the minimum requirements include a bachelor's degree in engineering, science or mathematics from an accredited institution. Three years of related experience must follow the degree, and an advanced degree is desirable. Pilot astronauts must have at least 1,000 hours of experience in jet aircraft, and they need better vision than mission specialists. Competition is extremely keen, with an average of over 4,000 applicants for about 20 openings every 2 years.

Astronaut recruiting occurs periodically. For more information, write to the Astronaut Selection Office, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston,TX 77058.

So, what about grad school instead?

Connor said...

Julie said...

um, connor did not actually leave the last post. i was apparently logged in as him when I did it