Friday, July 28, 2006

Lost Dr. Tv Sketch Released!

Jason has opened the Dr. TV vault (which conatains more than a few strange things, many pertaining to launch codes and a barley-based breakfast named, "goodmorning!") and released the famous Hey Diddle Diddle sketch!
See it here! See it now!

Um, I was actually kind of serious about the Newton, by the way.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I Want This Game

But I am going to have to get a PS2 to play it? Sadness.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I Am Basically Al Gore

Today, I returned over 200 bottles, cans, and babies even though I was only paid for about half of them! How altruisitic is that!?

Phil, my beloved cousin, was just here this past weekend and what few pictures his promotional agent allowed me to take of him I will post soon enough. He brought me a large case for my comic books that he made with his own two hands. I will treasure it forever.

Friday, July 21, 2006

My Blog: Now 25% Harder To Use!

So, I started getting a whole lot of Spam comments. Ideally, this should be happening because the popularity of this little site has skyrocketed and everyone worth their weight is jumping on this band wagon which should lead them straight to the gravy train (after a brief layoever in the Caramel Caverns).
Anyway, spam is irritating so I have enacted Word Confirmation to try to curb some of the spam-commenting.

Sorry for the perceived inconvenience!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Death Water

I hope that I do not get cholera from this possibly toxic shower I am about to take.

(If you are confused, see the previous post)

Storms and Elevators

Last night it stormed something awful. I didn't hear any thunder, but I saw some lightning flashes that lit up the sky from one end to the other like a sickly green dawn in a flash-bulb. Last night, I had two concerns. Firstly, that a tornado would come and kill me while I slept. Secondly, that because I would have to sleep with the window closed (the wind was wrecking my fashionable drop-ceiling) I would have a very uncomfortable night.
When I woke up in the morning, the world looked wet but stable. The first thing that threw me was the elevator. The call light was on, and hot to the touch. Thus, indicating that the elevator had been called since sometime in the night and had yet to arrive.
After negotiating my bike down the 6 flights of stairs, I saw that the lobby was dark and the elevators sitting lit and inviting, yet vacant.
Upon my return after work, I found the lobby in the same mess it was hours before except now with signs declaring the building closed due to lack of electricity and water.
After ascending the stairs (again, with my bike) I assessed my apartment. The water was off, but the internet and power worked fine. This was 3 hours ago, and we now sort of have water. It's got bad pressure and smells kind of like old cheese and butter which has been left under your porch all season and discovered on a wet fall day.
It's not really so bad. At least I could flush down a poo.
Tonight, I am eating out.
For anyone interested, tomorrow marks the beginning of the Ann Arbor art fair. I've never been, so it should at least prove to be distracting in some way.
The late great Phillip Eddy will be joining me here in my humble, waterless, abode come this weekend. Hopefully, things will be a little more together by then!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

LIVE from Chicago

Supp Doggs? I am coming to you from the Apple store in Chicago on a brand new MacBook (the BLACK one)!
I made it here safely, save for a hiccup that took me into the Southside last night. But that's all done and I am chillin' with the Keith Roshangar man. He's awesome.

Back soon, hope y'all are doin' awesome.

Friday, July 14, 2006

He's Out Of Control!

Step off it, Jackson! Max is coming to town and he is hot to TROT!

Hot on the heels on my tour of Georgia, I am taking a short trip over to Chicago (Evanston) to see a turtle race and throw Northwestern University's entire Journalism department into Lake Michigan. Pictures/Cries of help to follow.

Some have been concerned regarding the weather where I am headed. Rest assured that the map was checked AND animated before blast off. It's all clear.

I am traveling light with only one bag, one book. I have to keep it small since the bed of my truck is filled with oil lamps, hay bails, and a certain famous Illinois bovine from 100 years ago.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Hello, Ladies!

Hey all. I am really behind in just about everything, so here is a really neat video that I saw on the internet today.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Mini Georgia Update

It was another jam-packed day in Atlanta! I have a bit of down time to catch up on emails and all that useless stuff, so hopefully I will be able to get my pictures organized and uploaded. For the time being here is a video of WHALE SHARKS!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Atlanta : The First Days

My first few days in Atlanta have been spectacular. The Southerners are holding their entrenchmants around the city, but todays skirmishes thine their numbers significantly. We recaptured our signal house, and held Legett Hill valiantly. We are within five miles of the city that Jefferson Davis has called the "heart of confederacy," and it is only a matter of time before it and it's vital factories and trainyards are flying Old Glory once again.

Hail Lincoln!

{Getting to Georgia was remarkably easy. The hardest part was finding my way out of the Big Blue Lot at Metro Airport. I wandered around the subterranean bowls of the Hartsfield-Jackson Airport until aunt Barbara appeared out of the crowd and whisked me off! }

{It's dang hot here, but not unbearable in the least. As long as you remain laid-back and walk easy, life's a dream. Everything is vibrantly alive down here, trees and flowers shooting out new growth and blooms left and right. Strange varieties of familiar plants are everywhere. No Black Widows yet, but I remain ever vigilant in my never-ending search!}

{Today was pretty awesome. Gary started us off right with wonderful meat-filled pastries from a local Brazilian Bakery. Little fried things that taste like hush-puppies but are filled with delicious bbq'ed chicken! Huzzah!}

{After a stroll with wonder dog RUDY through Piedmont Park, we set off to the Cyclorama. Yes. THE CYCLORAMA. No, it is nothing like a Roller Derby. It is at least 7,000 times more amazing then that. Im it's essence, a Cyclorama is a gigantic circular oil painting, usually depicting a landscape. Back in the old days, before talking picture shows and horseless radios, folks would go down to the Cycloramas and walk around within a circular chamber marveling at the tremendous panoramic landscapes. Atlanta's Cyclorama is based around the events of July 22, 1864 at the Battle of Atlanta. Is totally awesome, and I think everyone should see it. There are only three Cycloramas left in the United States and only 19 worldwide.}

{Tomorrow we see Whale Sharks!}