Thursday, March 26, 2009


I haven't had a desk since I lived on Lawrence street in Ann Arbor -- that was about three years ago. My last apartment in Ann Arbor didn't come furnished with an area devoted to work, so I used the kitchen table. This was a perfect solution, since it meant I was near food, and had two lovely windows to look out of. All I could see was a parking lot and some tree trunks, but it was better than nothing.

Since moving to Virginia I've been a nomad. Sometimes, I work from an easy chair, sometimes from our small dining table, and sometimes from the toilet. Each of these locations has it's pros and cons, but the real problem was that I had no space devoted to work. I often had to pack up all my materials on whatever I was doing, and clear out long before I was finished.

That's all changed now.

The local consignment store had this very nice antique solid wood desk at a very affordable price.

From Virginia Apartment: Awesome

From Virginia Apartment: Awesome

From Virginia Apartment: Awesome

From Virginia Apartment: Awesome

I was told by the woman who sold it to me that the former owners had the table in their family for years, and that it was once used as an altar in an outdoor wedding.

I am eminently pleased with my new acquisition, and I have now removed one more excuse to not get any work done.

1 comment:

lightstheway said...

That's fabulous! Looks great!