Thursday, March 08, 2007

An Update For the Future

We were going pretty strong with the blog thing, and then I got back from Break and had to deal with school again. 'Ts a bad time, these past few days. Way too busy. The Gargoyle budget needs to be finished up, and I have a board meeting to go to on Monday. Not to mention all the papers in my immediate future.

Bear with me, I'll be back soon.

In the meantime, here's Bob Dyaln singing the words to popular Dr. Suess books. Not really, but they sound awfully convincing. Dig it.


Julie said...

what's the title of this blog again? oh, yeah, is max alive? and that is the question I pose here.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're right. Not a twitter out of him. Has he gone to Iceland? Did I miss some big announcement?