Thursday, February 11, 2010


Hi! I haven't left my apartment for seven days! This snow is ridiculous. This is what I looked the other day when I dug my car out with my bare hands and walked two miles for groceries.
Photo on 2010-02-08 at 19.52.jpg

And this is how I look now. According to a friend, "you LOOK like a man who's been trapped in his house for a week."
Photo on 2010-02-11 at 11.06 #2.jpg

Truer words were never spoken.


´´Saray´´ said...

Just stumbled upon your blog on pressing ´Next blog´ on screen and this post is hilarious :) Lovely hat.
Hope the snow is not causing too much havoc now, I saw the images on telly and yes it was a lot!!
A wee piece of advice, by the way´:- moderate comments so that you don´t get spam like the message in Chinese or whatever this is you got above.
Greetings from Spain! :)

Valérie said...

Nevertheless you are a good looking boy :-)
In Germany, the snow is pure horror. ;-)

Michael- said...

Fantastic blog! Very heartfelt and personal…

I’m anthropologist currently doing a little study on the blogging culture, and your blog has a special interest for me. If you don’t mind dropping by my site and maybe participating in the study by answering 5 questions I’d be more that grateful.

If for nothing else, drop by the blog just to take a look...

