Friday, May 22, 2009

Mini Roadtrip!

Hot on the heels of our minivacation to Chincoteague island is our miniature roadtrip!

The journey begins in Virginia on Saturday morning, from which we will travel (with dog, via rental car) to Chicago. From there, we go around noble Lake Michigan to Frankenmuth where a wedding will be attended (by us, not the dog) on Sunday.
Then we turn south, and spend the evening in the bosom of my family (Troy, MI). Early monday afternoon, we return to Chicago where I will take a flight directly back to Washington.

A circuitous route, to be sure, but one that accomplishes many goals:

1. A WEDDING will be attended
2. CLAIRE will be returned to CHICAGO, where she will spend two months (with DOG) conserving an ASSYRIAN FRIEZE for the University of Chicago Oriental Institute (awesome)
3. My family will be VISITED

Pictures and reflections on Chincoteague and this road trip to be posted after my return!

I am going to miss her; and the dog.

Fabled Aunt and beloved blog-reader Barbara commented on the previous pony-related post:

I too wanted to go to Chincoteague to commune with the ponies. Settled for (long story) sister island, Assateague, home of massive herds of mosquitos, which are driven up and down the beach each night by Park Service sprayers.

A clarification: the Chincoteague ponies actually live on Assateague island, and are herded across to Chincoteague only once a year. Perhaps Barb was closer to her goal than she realized?

A spoiler for the upcoming post: WE SAW PONIES (3)!


Phil said...

It is unfortunate I didn't read this sooner. I was in Madison this weekend and just a few hours ago I was driving through Chicago...

Anonymous said...

You need to ask Barb about her Assa/Chinco/teague adventure=sunburn. Good stories! We too visited both isles once and, by sheer chance, saw the ponies shortly after they "crossed over". Pretty cool, but kind of wet and scraggly. Claire's summer project sounds interesting and I am sure you will miss them both. So why not come to Jersey (to ease the boredom) for the other side of the grand fam. reunion? Going to Boston with Kate, Barb, Rick & Mare to see Shep Fairey exhibit and Laura - June 26ish. You should come!!! Please consider it! Did you see Monsters Vs. Aliens? Highly recommend it. Mary

Barb said...

Just to be clear, we saw no ponies. The things we saw had wings and peppered the windshield, like the birds trying to get Tippi Hedron in that phone booth. Also we camped on sand, and it was about 140 degrees in the tent.