Sunday, December 28, 2008

Trapped In The Airpot (Updated)

I am trapped in the Indianapolis airport. Normally, I wouldn't mind since delays are just part of flying these days. This particular airport even has free wireless, which is very nice -- luxurious, even. However, I don't have a seat assignment yet. This makes me incredibly nervous.

Worst case scenario is that I sleep in the airport and miss a day of work. I'd rather not, but what can you do?

Yesterday, I saw The Spirit. As all the reviews will tell you, it is not a "good movie." At least not in the same sense that Casablanca is a "good movie." However, it is a very fun movie to watch. It is, simply put, the comedy event of the century. Not because it is so bad (although that might be part of it), but because you will never see a movie that goes as over-the-top as this one does. It makes Buckaroo Banzai look like A Room With A View. Tank Girl becomes a predictable, but enjoyable, romantic comedy when compared with The Spirit.

A lot of what makes the movie great is how surprising it is, so I don't want to go to into detail. But I will say that if you want a movie that is straightforward in intent, DO NOT see this movie. If you, like me, enjoy the absurd and don't mind laughing while wondering "ARE THEY SERIOUS?!" then this movie is for you.

I pulled a line from an article on The Spirit taken from a comic book blog. Personally, I don't think it's worth comparing the two. Miller's movie captures the (no pun intended) spirit of Eisner's creation with its use of comic book style violence and emotions (read: ridiculous, over-the-top). All the characters stand, move, and speak like they came right off the page. This is problematic for two reasons. First, because all this hokeyness is a little jarring when compared to Miller's trademark style of film. Second, because if you don't realize that it's supposed to be silly, then it won't be any fun at all.

Anyway, this line sums up the major problem with the movie: Miller never seems to decide how cartoony the movie is supposed to be.

If it was clear from the get-go that this was going to be like Dick Tracy, then I think the critics would have been a little kinder.

UPDATE: I have a seat, but the plane is still delayed. Progress!

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