1. Girlfriend (with dog)
2. REAL job (with health insurance)
3. Gym Membership (just added!)
I might as well buy a minivan, and start worrying about whether or not the neighbor's fence line is on my property.
But the truth is I've always enjoyed strenuous physical activity. I worked outside digging holes for various organizations for many summers partly because it just feels good to be active.
But in the end this is all Claire's fault; she's the one that started me going. I think I might be addicted.
Is it time for a link-dump? Oh yes!
As you read yesterday, the International Space Station turned 10 on Nov. 20, 2008. And today, the most recent addition to the ISS, new machine that converts urine into water, is fully operational. I know that gets me excited about the thrill and romance of space travel!
Joking aside, it's a vital technology for any long-term missions, such as moon settlements or travels to mars.
So, the next time you're supping at the ISS, just remember to forgo the water and stick with the wine. You'd also do well to avoid the meatloaf; you really don't wanna know where that comes from. (Rimshot)
Today on his blog, my pal Keith linked to this video about the dangers of the Military Industrial Complex. Funnily enough, both he and I are part of it.
An absolutely dead-on presentation about the issues facing the music industry. The presenter rightly points out that worrying about CD sales is idiotic; when consumers and artists are no longer satisfied with the way music is sold, the industry needs to respond to the demand.
Many thanks to long-time pal and former roommate Justin for the heads up on that one. Justin, I had a dream about you last night. In all the dreams I have about you, we end up being pursued by the police.