Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Functionality, and How To Read This Blog Better

I have been operating under a false assumption: because I use an RSS Feed Reader for all my blog reading, I assumed everyone else does, too. Therefore, I was relatively unfazed by letting weeks slide between posts. You see, if you're all on Feed Readers, then I really don't need to worry about losing readers to my own inactivity.

I then realized that some of you might not know what an RSS Feed or Feed Reader is, what follows is a primer on those subjects. New stuff after the block-quote text, so skip down a ways if you like.

An RSS Feed Reader allows me to view all of these frequently updated websites from one place. It's like a newspaper, with all the latest from the sites you read. Sometimes, this is a client program -- like Mail, Outlook, or Thunder Bird -- that lives on your desktop. In this case, you fire up the application, and can view all the updates on the websites that you subscribe to. Many of you may be using a browser with built-in RSS support. FireFox and Safari can allow you to subscribe to and read feeds without leaving the comfort of your own browser.

I prefer to use Google's Reader, which is a web-based Feed Reader. I do this mostly because I don't want excess applications on my computer, and also because I can access my feeds from everywhere.

Of course, all of this only works if the websites you visit have an RSS Feed. Many sites will advertise their RSS Capability with this handy little icon:

Most blogs have an RSS feed built right in, as well as many news sites. Don't fret about whether or not the site has a Feed, just try subscribing and if it doesn't work -- oh well! Hope they get their act together and take advantage of this great system.

Subscribing can be different from reader to reader. Some of the older ones require that you enter in the URL (, but most of the time you can just click the aforementioned icon, and your default reader will launch and subscribe automatically. Google Reader has a link that you can put in your browser's toolbar which will do the same thing.

So, if you have an RSS reader, just punch this site into it.
If you want to use Google Reader (which I highly recommend), or your own reader, use the handy MaxFeed pull-down box just below the TwitterBox.

There are two more additions to the side bar. First was the "Follower" box. If you have a Google account (doesn't everyone), you can become a follower and advertise your slavish devotion to the world! It also automatically adds this blog's RSS feed to Google Reader.

The other is the new link to "Max's Shared Items" in the link list. One of the great things about Google Reader, is the ability for me to share things I find interesting with other people in the form of a handy (RSS-readable) website. Click it, see what I am reading and then add it to your own feed.

Here's that link again.

Yes, the internet a completely self-centered enterprise. But because I am sharing my stuff is an invitation for you to do the same. And I hope you will (and I sincerely mean that to almost all of you).

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