Friday, October 31, 2008

Awesome Autumn

Two weeks ago, Claire, her friend Kayla, and I, all went apple picking somewhere in Virginia. We had a blast, but we also had 28lbs of apples. One pie, several hours, and a bunch of jars later we know have oodles of Apple Butter and Apple Sauce. It's delicious.
From Awesome Autumn

It would be in your best interest to be nice to me. You might get some!

While picking apples, I tasted a sample of locally produced apple wine. Folks, let me tell you, this stuff is fantastic. It's from the Chateau O'Brien, and I highly recommend it.

This year we had three pumpkins, but only two were carved. The third has been relegated to the role of General Halloween Decoration, since it decided to go rotten a day after purchase and not be a "team player."

Regardless, the other two turned out fantastic.
From Awesome Autumn

Auntie Ba has also been rather creative with the gords this year. Take a look. (1, 2)

When I was lookin' for a steady job, I promised myself that as soon as I got one -- regardless what kind of job -- I would do a few things. The first was to start playing the video game Okami. I haven't done this yet. The second is best said in pictures:
From Awesome Autumn

Folks, that's a brand new MacBook Pro you're lookin' at right thar. Atomsk has been a faithful retainer these past five years, but has started to fray around the edges. He'll be kept in reserve for the moment, supporting this beautiful unamed machine until it's time for him to be recycled.

Last week I traveled all the way back to Ann Arbor to attend the 99th Gargoyle Reunion. I had a great time. So great, in fact, that I managed to not take any pictures.

I spent most of my long weekend in the company of my best bud Kris, and the current GargStaff. They're a great bunch, and have already done great things -- as demonstrated in their website.

Dad and Julia also paid me a quick visit while I was in the area. It was so great to see them again.

I take it back, I do have one picture.
From MarsEdit Images

It's much more frightening in person.
Happy Halloween.

Friday, October 17, 2008

The First Pay-Day Of The Rest Of Your Life

As you all know, I started my new job as a technical writer/editor at SAIC two weeks ago. Since then, there has been radio silence.

Until today. Today is pay-day. The end of my first two-week cycle.

I am so relieved.

I haven't done a whole lot at my job, but what I have done I am proud of. The first two days were nothing but orientation(ing) and online web training. The experience was not what I would call "enjoyable," but for a steady paycheck I will gratefully do whatever is asked of me.

Wednesday I attended the AUSA conference, a trade show for US Army contractors. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was just mind boggling to walk around a room filled with tanks, and people trying to sell you tanks.

For the next several days I caught up on info related to the job. Basically, I read the US Army Weapon System Handbook. It's a pretty good read, except for the vital information about the Secondary Redundant Paper Clip Logistics Network (SRPCLN). That made for some pretty dry reading.

Since then I've had a few projects to work on. Right now I have one internal article and a journal article on my plate. It feels good to have something to sink you teeth into.

I'm pretty sure this doesn't make for good reading -- it is work after all.

The only things I don't like about my job aren't really related to the job itself. Actually, the only thing I don't like about it is having to drive an hour there and an hour back everyday.

SAIC Integrated Communications, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

The Eve

Ever wonder what I'll do if this SAIC job falls through? Flickr has the answer.

New job starts tomorrow! All the paperwork is (allegedly) complete. I am unbelievably nervous! Oh, lord!

Dan Aykroyd is making the coolest vodka. That is, if it exists.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Blessed Puppy

October 4th is the feast day of St. Francis, the founder of the Franciscan Order. He's been a favorite of mine, if only for taking off all of his clothes just to make a point.

However, St. Francis is known for much more than being an idealistic streaker. He's famous for his empathy towards animals, especially one episode in which he preached to a flock of birds. I've always heard the story as an example of Francis' characteristic kindness toward all the creatures of the Earth. But, in The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco, it is suggested that preaching to birds was also a satire. An expression of his frustration with his message not being received by those he preached to: no one was listening, so he may as well preach to birds.

According to Wikipedia, he said thus:
My sister birds, you owe much to God, and you must always and in everyplace give praise to Him; for He has given you freedom to wing through the sky and He has clothed you…you neither sow nor reap, and God feeds you and gives you rivers and fountains for your thirst, and mountains and valleys for shelter, and tall trees for your nests. And although you neither know how to spin or weave, God dresses you and your children, for the Creator loves you greatly and He blesses you abundantly. Therefore… always seek to praise God.

To celebrate his Feast Day, many churches hold a special service for animals -- specifically, pets. However, it is occasionally expanded. The first Earth Day celebrations at the Cathedral to St. John The Divine involved a procession of many of the animals from the New York Zoo -- including elephants, I am told.

The highlight of the service is the blessing of the animals. It was for this, that we sojourned down to the beautiful Washington National Cathedral to get Tenzing, the puppy, blessed.
Blessing of the Animals


I am still completely excited for my new job!

Tomorrow, I hope to attend the Small Press Expo. Ben Katchor, author of Julius Knipil: Real Estate Photographer, Bryan Lee O'Mally, author of Scott Pilgrim, and Tom Tomoorrow are to be in attendance. Awesome!

Friday, October 03, 2008

I Got A Job!


Folks, the impossible has happened. I actually got the offer some time ago, but I haven't wanted to talk about it because it seems too good to be true. Much like when I was accepted to the University of Michigan. I spent the first year of college positive that I would get a call from some Dean somewhere informing me that my selection was due to a clerical error.

However, the job situation has progressed to the point where I don't think it can really fall through right now. Unless I get fired, or something.

Starting on Monday, I will be a Technical Writer/Editor at SAIC. I'm stoked.

In order to prepare me for my new employment, Claire took me to the Men's Warehouse. Pictures of my new chic moneysink will be made available, if the interest is there.

I don't know if I am getting this across well enough, but I AM EXCITED!