Saturday, December 19, 2009

Secret Mission

And so, with little fuss, we arrived in Ann Arbor. The first night was a harrowing drive, today's was utterly mild. Besides a struggle to find my sock this mornig (it was in the boxers I was wearing) we faced no adventure.

The Ann Arbor Holiday Inn has really grown on me, but it does make me a little sad to do these whirlwind trips through here. I'll be leaving tomorrow morning, without having paid my respects to the Gargoyle, eaten at my favorite haunts, written loving grafitti outside the offices of Prof. E.S. Rabkin, or Prof. Rubadeau, or sought out the ellusive Absofacto or #MattThompson.

Claire will be heading off to the mysterious Barker family compound tomorrow, and I'll trudge back the way I came. I sincerely hope things settle down for us. Between th Holidays, work, school, and dog it seems like there isn't a moment to stop and think.

What's foremost on my mind is getting back into the NCR. As I understad, it is still snowing there. I am quite worried that I won't able to get back!

But the Vibe has been excellent on its first winter trip. However, for the sake of drama, I will pose this question: CAN I MAKE IT BACK ALIVE?!

...stay tuned!

Location:Plymouth Rd,Ann Arbor,United States

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