Friday, October 17, 2008

The First Pay-Day Of The Rest Of Your Life

As you all know, I started my new job as a technical writer/editor at SAIC two weeks ago. Since then, there has been radio silence.

Until today. Today is pay-day. The end of my first two-week cycle.

I am so relieved.

I haven't done a whole lot at my job, but what I have done I am proud of. The first two days were nothing but orientation(ing) and online web training. The experience was not what I would call "enjoyable," but for a steady paycheck I will gratefully do whatever is asked of me.

Wednesday I attended the AUSA conference, a trade show for US Army contractors. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. It was just mind boggling to walk around a room filled with tanks, and people trying to sell you tanks.

For the next several days I caught up on info related to the job. Basically, I read the US Army Weapon System Handbook. It's a pretty good read, except for the vital information about the Secondary Redundant Paper Clip Logistics Network (SRPCLN). That made for some pretty dry reading.

Since then I've had a few projects to work on. Right now I have one internal article and a journal article on my plate. It feels good to have something to sink you teeth into.

I'm pretty sure this doesn't make for good reading -- it is work after all.

The only things I don't like about my job aren't really related to the job itself. Actually, the only thing I don't like about it is having to drive an hour there and an hour back everyday.

SAIC Integrated Communications, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where is this SAIC that you have such a commute?