Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Tonight was a big night! A night of tremendous, nay Biblical, gastronomical importance.
Tonight was the night that I made a dinner that actually filled me up. Can you believe it? Do I need to repeat it for your dumbfounded ears? How about I just do it again, for the sake of dramatics:


It’s crazy!
Tonight’s menu was pretty straightforward. Try to guess the theme!
Appetizer : Fried Rice
Main Course : Homemade Macaroni and Cheese
Dessert : Sweat Tea

I’m still stunned in disbelief. I even did all the freaking dishes!

Of course, with every announcement of ecstatic joy, there must be a sorrowful footnote. First is that this dinner has a dark and sordid past. Tuesday night I made “Parsley Rice,” and while the cookbook used such phrases as ‘tasty’ I have to report that my experiences were quite different. I can’t say that it tasted bad, not at all, it just didn’t taste like anything at all. The plain rice actually seemed tastier. All I have to show for that meal is over 3lbs of leftover cooked rice and a great deal of crap fused to my baking pan.
It was an unmitigated disaster.
But from those ashes arose Tonight’s Fried Rice (reminder: awesome).
I also burned my thumb really badly on the +350ยบ dish that the Macaroni was in.
It hurts, but my pain is outweighed by the joyous pain from within – the joyous pain of having stuffed my self in a fit of gluttony.

(Hint: the dinner theme was, “TASTY CARBS.”)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For better results, next time try Sweet Tea, instead of that stinky old "sweat tea"...or try spell check! la mare strikes again!