Thursday, April 13, 2006


You must now address me as "Mr. Max Eddy - Major Of English."

(I will destroy you)


Mylz said...

All hail Mr. Max Eddy--Major of English! I know you'll be good at this english stuff man!

Unknown said...

Thank you all for the kind support! I have been, and still very much am, very nervous about declaring a major. It's a level of commitment to my a course in my education that I am not really used to.
Here's to hopin'!

Anonymous said...

Well, I must offer my condolences. After 15 years with an English degree from UM, I now make $22k per year. Oh well, poverty makes you noble, and gives you great writing material.

By the way, I would like to read "Maybe You Need a Title: A Confrontational Essay".